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Season 2 | Special Preview "Inbetweenisode"

Updated: Sep 20, 2021

Hello and welcome to this preseason mini-episode of the show which continues to do well and today the figures say that it’s actually up 11.8% over the previous 14 days of downloads. I’ve been working very hard to ensure that the new season is filled with awesome, mind-expanding and motivational PRODUCTIVITY ADVICE, not just for film pros, but which is largely accessible to all.

I have been preparing 12 new episodes which will officially launch on the 24th of this month with episode 17. That show looks at what fuels our INNER DRIVE and gives us momentum.

The season will as before be released at 7pm on Sunday nights we will run right through till mid-May.

  • Episode 18 is called Protecting Your Mental Energy and looks specifically at how protecting that finite resource will make a vast difference to your life.

  • Episode 19 investigates how to act on the plans and strategies that you have put together to move forward. Many of your strategies will fall down in their execution but there are ways to combat this.

  • Episode 20 talks about how sometimes, collaborating with other creatives can be a complete nightmare. It details the problems that can arise and how to get around them.

  • Episode 21 tackles that most common of productivity problems PROCRASTINATION. It talks about what it is, why it happens and how to deal with it.

  • Cracking on with Episode 22 I raise a subject, not often discussed but one which can really mess up your creativity and your mental health. That episode is all about the nasty piece of work we call RUMINATION.

  • In Episode 23 I dive headlong into a top which is plaguing the modern age and is known as the MICROWAVE MINDSET. I’ll talk about how the fast and furious way of doing things is not always the best strategy and why slow and steady, ooh err missus, wins the day.

  • Episode 24 is all about TOXIC PERSONALITY TYPES and is another in my very popular series of TELL IT HOW IT IS episodes. Just like my season 1 episode TIME-WASTERS and HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM and Episode 21 BAD COLLABORATORS (Which I laughingly call collabo-haters btw) shows, I’ll investigate 6 archetypes of toxic personality and give you a foolproof solution on how to deal with them.

  • Another popular episode from last year was my one on productivity apps. Episode 25 follows this up with a number of suggestions for browser plugins which will strengthen your productivity at absolutely no cost.

  • I think I’m going to change my Episode 26 topic to that of SHOOT WITH WHAT YOU’VE GOT. I’ve still to record episodes 25-28 so I reserve that right as I batch record these episodes before the season launches to ensure their delivery. At the moment it’s on my board as Jealousy, Anger and Regret, but I think that may sit better in Season 3.

  • Episode 27 is a follow up to the season one Episode 5 Awesome Apps to make you more productive and is called, wait for it, 5 more awesome (and mostly fee) apps to make you more productive. I didn’t know how those eps would be received but they are remarkably popular so I’ll keep on going with them.

  • The season will end with Episode 28 in which I think I’m going to present a good old motivational speech. Now I reserve the right to change my mind and I have a Plan B backup topic of the 16 Laws of Success. You’ll just have to wait and see.

John Green says in Paper Towns that “The pleasure isn't in doing the thing, the pleasure is in planning it.”

It’s a total party here at my end making some 3 and a half hours of solo content, NOT, but I do it all for you.

Please stand by for the new season. It’ll be with you before you know it.

Mark Twain said that to succeed in life you need two things. Ignorance and Confidence. I have both in spades.

I hope you’ll join me by spreading the word, subscribing and leaving an awesome review.

You can follow the show on Twitter @filmproprodpod and on Facebook @filmproproductivity. You can also get in touch using the contact page. If you have any requests for future episode topics please do drop me a line or use the speak pipe recorder on the contact page and leave me a voice mail.

I should probably end this episode by saying something positive.

I’ll use the words of Lyndon B. Johnson

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.”

Now take control of your own destiny, keep on shootin’, get your productivity socks on and stand by for Season 2, of film pro productivity!

Thanks: A Himitsu

Music: Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music released by Argofox Music provided by Audio Library ––– • Contact the artist:


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