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Episode 91 | REVISITING THE 12 WEEK YEAR (New Year Special)

“To become fit requires discomfort, to earn a significant income requires discomfort, to become great at anything, requires you to pay the price. To become great, you must choose to allocate your time to your greatest opportunities. You will have to choose to spend time on the difficult things that create your biggest payoffs. To be great you will need to live with intention. That will require you to be clear on what matters most, and then to have the courage to say no to things that distract you.” Brian P. Moran, Unquote

Those of you who follow me on social media will know that this episode very nearly didn’t happen. I’ve just heard that the next two projects on which I was to be working have been killed due to the latest restrictions placed on us by the British or in my case specifically the Scottish government. I work as a fight coordinator in the UK film, theatre and television industry. The trouble is that covid restrictions have limited hand to hand combat in most productions and at this time only about 25% of my previous work remains. My main employer BBC Studios has written all fights out of their scripts since March of 2020. With the remaining work barely covering the bills I need to make some major changes to my life and work in order to keep a roof over my head. I’d planned two new seasons of this show to run right through the year but with the loss of the income I expected from my next two projects I’ve had to shelve those plans… but I still care about you guys, and as I was working up a new 12-week year for myself anyway, I felt it was worth the extra effort to make a new year special just for you. I’ve tackled this topic before but it was way back in season one and having re-listened to it, it’s …well… I can certainly do better.

This is going out as a New Year Special, launching on the 2nd of January, in the hope that those of you who are still struggling to get stuff done can use it to get more out of the year ahead. I’ve completed several 12-week years myself and the results can be quite incredible.

2021 was marred for me not only by a continued reduction in available fight work, but by a tricky situation I got myself in with a car purchase from a dodgy car sales company in Bathgate. My productivity in the first part of the year was almost a write off due to the stress and worry it caused me but I took them to court and got my money back in July or maybe it was August I can’t recall, and things got better. I was so far behind in my goals at that point that I took on a new 12-week year to gain some traction again. I achieved all three pillar goals that I’d set out for myself as part of my Best Year Yet strategy – If you don’t know what that is check out last year’s New year Special. It’s awesome too. The goals I set out required focus and commitment and as the quote above states, they required me to get comfortable being uncomfortable as I worked towards them; but the goals were, more or less met. I wrote the first draft of my first ever feature film. I’d planned it for years but couldn’t get it together but this system made it happen. I also wrote a new short film, something I’d been putting off for a much longer time. Finally, I lost 1.5 stone. I’d been aiming for 2 but I’ll still take that as a win.

This episode is a bit of a deep dive into the system set out in the book The Twelve Week Year. It’s a system that works. Really, genuinely works and it’s one I want you to seriously consider undertaking.

"If we did the things we are capable of doing we would literally astound ourselves.” Thomas Edison, Unquote

In our personal and professional lives, we tend to set goals based on an annual plan of attack. New Year’s resolutions set in January aim to create the desired change by the end of the year and organizations set productive goals annually and do annual reviews of their progress. This kind of “annualized thinking” is what Brian Moran and Michael Lennington’s book, The 12 Week Year - Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months, sets out to challenge. By the way most quotes that I give today will be attributed to Brian P Moran rather than to both authors, I think – I could be wrong - that this is because they both created the system but Brian actually wrote the book. As an aside btw the book has 2906 5-star reviews on Amazon and it is a New York times best Seller so it’s no lightweight.

The 12-week Year asks readers to consider redefining what constitutes a year. Instead of the 12-month time frame, they propose that we begin viewing years as a 12-week sprint because people’s focus, motivation, and energy levels fluctuate throughout a standard year.

The authors found that people are much more motivated and driven to accomplish their goals during the first quarter of the year and then it quickly tails off. This motivation quickly sags during the second and third quarters and doesn’t pick back up until the final few months.

The way I often describe this to people is in terms of a New Year’s resolution - In the first 6 weeks of the year we have a drive which quickly fades away leaving 85% of New Year’s Resolutions fail well before that 6-week mark. Others may let the resolution go early on and only start to focus on it once again in the latter 6 weeks of the year. The 12-week year takes this energy from the front and back end of a year and focuses it down into a single period, effectively missing out the 9 months in the middle. Working in this way means you can focus your time and energy to achieve significantly more in four 12-week blocks than you ever would over one 12 month one.

Brian Moran and Michael Lennington point out a big hazard with what they call annualized thinking – that it creates a perspective on your workflow that there is all the time in the world to meet your year-end goals. This hazard, this problem, is backed up by statistics which show that most organizations achieve 40% of their productivity only in the last 60 days of the year because of a forced “end-of-the-year push.” At that point company employees suddenly become focused on only those tasks that lead to the intended results, and a new sense of urgency motivates their productive output.

Annualised thinking tricks us into believing that it’s no big deal if we fall behind early in the year as we come to believe that there will always be time to catch up. Like cramming for an end of year exam for example.

So rather than pushing our workflow and capacity at the end of the year, we are encouraged to redefine this timeline to 12-week periods in order to encourage high productivity during every day of the year. They point out that when you focus for 12 weeks on any aspect of an annualized plan, your deadline is always in sight. This focus helps you push past your productive limits and motivates you to achieve more immediate results.

“We mistakenly believe that there is a lot of time left in the year, and we act accordingly. We lack a sense of urgency, not realizing that every week is important, every day is important, every moment is important. Ultimately, effective execution happens daily and weekly!” Brian P. Moran, Unquote

The 12-week year is an execution system. It’s all about taking your ideas and turning them into reality. 90% of the time plans fail due to poor implementation, so setting out the plan is only part of the system.

I’ve talked about plans and strategies many times on the show, including on the last two New Year Specials which looked at Jinny Ditzler’s Your Best Year Yet system. I strongly urge you, if you like what you are hearing here, to go back and have a listen to last year’s special as the act of defining guidelines for yourself, strategies, a new empowering paradigm to replace an old failing one, a major focus to the year ahead and up to ten longer term goals is a worthwhile one. That system can work in tandem with this if you take it and split those goals over several 12-week years. If I have 10 big pillar goals over a year though I’d not recommend you tackle more than 3 of them in any 12-week period. The chances of you completing them will be greatly increased in this way.

Setting out to tackle a 12-week year isn’t easy - It’s not like flipping a switch. There has to be significant mindset shift and some 12-week years will do better than others. The 12-week year is an implementation system, and when you cease to implement, when you cease to take action towards your goals in a considered way, you will stumble.

“Execution is the single greatest market differentiator. Great companies and successful individuals execute better than their competition. The barrier standing between you and the life you are capable of living is a lack of consistent execution. Effective execution will set you free. It is the path to accomplish the things you desire.” Brian P. Moran, Unquote

To reach your goals you have to be able to execute the plans that you set out. It’s not enough to know what it is you want. That’s never going to be enough. If you are overweight and unfit you already know that eating better and doing some exercise will be a good couple of steps to take, but how often do people actually take those steps? Knowing what to do - Setting out a plan - is pointless if you cannot execute that plan.

The emphasis of the 12-week Year is on Implementation. It is built on five disciplines that will help you to create and reach your goals and three principles to help you maintain the right mindset as you move through the process.

The three principles are:

1. Accountability

2. Commitment

3. Greatness in the Moment

Accountability is ultimately ownership. It is a character trait, a life stance, a willingness to own actions and results, regardless of the circumstances. The very nature of accountability rests on the understanding that each and every one of us has freedom of choice. It is this freedom of choice that is the foundation of accountability. The ultimate aim of accountability is to continually ask one’s self, “What more can I do to get the result?”

The second principle is Commitment: It is a personal promise that you make to yourself. Keeping your promises to others builds strong relationships, and keeping promises to yourself builds character, esteem, and success. Commitment and accountability go hand-in-glove. In a sense, commitment is accountability projected into the future. It is ownership of a future action or result. Building your commitment capacity has a dramatic effect on your personal and business results. The 12 Week Year helps you to build the capacity to follow through on critical commitments and achieve breakthrough results in all areas.

The final principle is Greatness in the Moment: This is not achieved when a great result is reached, but long before that, when an individual makes the choice to do what is necessary to become great. The results are not the attainment of greatness, but simply confirmation of it. You become great long before the results show it. It happens in an instant, the moment you choose to do the things you need to do to be great, and each moment that you continue to choose to do those things.

These three principles—accountability, commitment, and greatness in the moment—form the foundation of personal and professional success. I’ll recap on these at the end.

For now, though let’s look in detail at the 5 disciplines of execution that will help you to achieve your 12-week year. The authors found that top performers—whether athletes or business professionals—are great, not because their ideas are better, but because their execution disciplines are better. Without proper execution, all of your finely crafted plans and strategies will collapse.

“The secret to living your life to its potential is to value the important stuff above your own comfort. Therefore, the critical first step to executing well is creating and maintaining a compelling vision of the future that you want even more than you desire your own short-term comfort, and then aligning your shorter-term goals and plans, with that long-term vision.” Brian P. Moran, Unquote.

Discipline 1: Create a Compelling or an Aspirational Vision

This is one that it’s all too easy to skip, especially if you don’t understand what your vision is but you have to get your head round it. A compelling vision is your idea of your best life. Whatever you envision for your future, whether it’s a bigger status in business, a higher income, or more satisfaction in life, your vision should be significantly greater than your current life. When you imagine a world where you have everything you want, no matter how outlandish, you’re more emotionally invested in making that future come true. And that emotional investment is needed to help push through the struggles encountered along your journey.

An emotional connection with your long-term goal encourages you to do what is necessary to achieve it. You also activate the part of your brain responsible for cognitive reasoning, and it will begin forming new pathways based on your vision. Your heightened thoughts begin the process of strengthening your beliefs, which helps quiet the part of your brain that triggers fear of change and failure.

Your vision must be big enough to activate both parts of your brain because without the fear, you won’t be pushed to achieve your greatest potential. The book explains that our compelling vision will evolve through four stages of belief:

Impossible: Your vision won’t seem reachable when you first dream it because you won’t know how to make it happen. But you don’t need to know how yet. The question to ask first is, “What if everything I wanted came true?” This question starts your neurons firing and forming pathways of possibility.

Possible: The more you continue to imagine all the benefits of your new life, the stronger your neural pathways regarding that life become. As those pathways strengthen, your belief in your dream strengthens until you feel like you could actually attain it.

Probable: After you move into believing your future is probable, you start to focus on how you can achieve it. The steps you begin to develop to achieve your vision become your plan of attack. And with a good plan, you start to truly believe your dreams will come true.

Given: You now see exactly what to do to shape your life into what you want it to be. And you believe your dream is inevitable because you can see exactly how you will get there.

Dream big about the life you want to truly trigger your brain to react. Use that vision to fuel your endeavours as time progresses. Don’t skip the vision element. It’s damned important. This year I’m researching images to represent my vision and I’m going to pin them up to remind me why I am doing what I do. With services like free print etc out there which offer free photograph printing if you pay the postage, this is an easy shortcut, if you are willing to put in a little time that is, into creating and maintaining a vision for your future.

“A vision without a plan is a pipe dream.” Brian P. Moran, Unquote

Discipline 2 – Create a granular, tactical time bound plan.

To start making progress toward your 12-week goals, you’ll need an actionable series of steps that’ll help you get to the finish line. Assign realistic due dates to each task and consider the potential roadblocks ahead of time so you can anticipate them and proactively plan for those as well.

An effective plan clarifies and focuses on the top priority initiatives and actions needed to achieve the vision. And remember that a good plan is constructed in a manner that facilitates effective implementation. I would recommend using the SMART system of goal setting I’ve outlined before. That acronym states that your plans should be specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and time bound. You should also state your plans in a positive way if you truly want them to succeed. Last year’s New Year Special will give you a terrific system of strategic planning if you want to tackle it with Your Best Year Yet.

Your plan must align with your long-term vision. You must adapt as you go along if necessary, and you have to stay focused. Keep it simple, or as simple as you can moment by moment by breaking it down into edible parts and keeping it meaningful. Don’t build your plans around someone else’s dreams and visions. It has to mean something to you. If you don’t keep it meaningful you will find it very hard to execute.

Discipline 3 – Process Control.

Process control consists of tools and scheduled events that align your daily actions with the critical actions of your plan. These tools and events ensure that more of your time is spent on the correct activities.

Mike Tyson famously said, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." Process Control will help you to work to your plan even when you, figuratively speaking, get hit in the mouth.

“It’s not enough to have a vision and a plan. If your goals and plan are designed to help you achieve a higher level of performance, then you most likely have specific tactics that are new actions for you. New actions are almost always uncomfortable… Without structural and environmental support, follow through becomes a constant exercise of willpower.” Brian P. Moran, Unquote

Process control uses tools and events to create support structures that can augment, and in some cases take the place of, willpower.

An example of a process that could benefit you would be a weekly plan. The weekly plan is a powerful tool that translates the 12-week plan into daily and weekly action. The weekly plan is the instrument that organizes and focuses your week. It becomes your game plan for each week. The weekly plan is not a glorified to-do list; it reflects the critical strategic activity that needs to take place that week in order to achieve your goals. This doesn’t have to be made on day one, actually if you do that it will likely fail, but should be tweaked and set out week by week and via to do lists day by day too.

The second element of process control is peer support. Now I’ve never actually used this element successfully but I can see why it’s important. I’d really like to if I could find the right people to join me though.

An example of an event that would assist you would be a weekly accountability meeting, or WAM. The WAM is a short meeting that is typically held in businesses on Monday morning after everyone has had a chance to plan their week and it lasts approximately 15 to 30 minutes. This is not a punitive session where we try to hold others accountable and dole out negative consequences or tongue lashing for those who are faltering. The WAM is used to confront breakdowns, recognize progress, create focus, and encourage new action.

Most WAMs loosely follow a standard agenda, as follows.

I. Individual Report Out: Each member states how they are tracking against their goals and how well they executed.

II. Successful Techniques: As a group, discuss what’s been working well and how to incorporate these techniques into one another’s plan.

III. Encouragement. The format is pretty straightforward.

Often people assume that because they know what they need to do, they won’t benefit from a weekly plan. Based on numerous studies and our experience with thousands of clients, that is just not the case. A plan between your ears is not nearly as effective as a plan on paper. In our experience, you are 60 to 80 percent more likely to execute a written plan than a plan that is in your head. Brian P. Moran, Unquote

I do DDP yoga with Diamond Dallas Page and he likes to say DON’T JUST THINK IT, INK IT! which is nice.

A common pitfall with this discipline is that people fail to plan each week as they come, because they are distracted, stressed or whatever or because they don’t have time for it, or think they don’t need it. Worse still would be because you feel you are above it or because you think you already know it.

Another highlighted pitfall is that you assume all weeks are the same and become disconnected from your plan. Try and stay focused on the plan you have set out and on the schedule you have set. Keep revisiting it and assessing it to keep it fresh.

Measurement drives the execution process. It is your touchstone with reality. Truly effective measurement combines both lead and lag indicators to provide the comprehensive feedback needed for informed decision making. It is the feedback loop that lets you know if your actions are effective. Brian P. Moran, Unquote

Discipline 4 – Keeping Score

Keeping score will help you to maintain your drive. I realised this myself recently as I often set out my to do lists on white boards. I used to wipe off tasks that were completed but I changed that along the way to crossing off the tasks that had been done. Seeing what you have completed, assessing your successes and recognising them is part of the productivity cycle. I’m always battering on about this. By missing out the congratulatory part of the cycle, not recognising your achievements you all too easily will short circuit your productivity.

In the best measurement systems, there are lead indicators and lag indicators. The lag indicators are the end results, and your 12-week goals are the ultimate lagging indicators. If you are tracking progress towards your goals, then you are tracking lag indicators.

This was being discussed on Twitter today as I used this quote “The thinking that says, 'I will start building my ideal future tomorrow, or next week, or next month,' is fatally flawed. The future you are going to live is the one you are creating right now at this very moment.” The past is in the past and the future hasn’t come around yet. Don’t measure your success or progress just by the goals you must reach, measure it also by the daily actions you take that will move you incrementally towards those goals. Then the goals will take care of themselves.

With the 12-Week Year you will be well served to identify a set of lead indicators that you can track monthly, weekly, or daily. If you are getting ahead of your plan and gaining ground, they will be a good indicator of your progress, but if you are falling behind you will also know. Hitting your targets will let you know you are on track.

The most effective lead indicator you can have is a measure of your weekly execution so it is critical that you measure execution. The authors found that if you execute a minimum of 85 percent of the actions due in your weekly plan each week, you are very likely to hit your goals at the end of the 12 weeks.

I used lead indicators when writing my feature there. I did it as a 30-day challenge within a 12-week year and realised that if I wrote just 3 pages a day, every day, I would have a 90-page script by the end. By day 29 I was on 94 pages and used day 30 to go back and fix a few things. I was able to easily keep going over that time as I knew I was on schedule to complete.

Apply keeping a score as a system and you will find that it is self-correcting. You will always know if your actions are moving the needle.

Pitfalls for this include thinking that keeping score is unimportant or too complicated, abandoning the system when you don’t score well and not scheduling a block of time each week to assess your progress.

If you take the time to review your progress each week, perhaps as a group with others, if you commit and recommit to make progress each week and if you remember that scores of less than 85% each week aren’t necessarily bad then you will do fine with this.

One of the barriers that our clients often cite when explaining what keeps them from achieving more of what they are capable of is a lack of time. The lack-of-time reason is so common that it seems very real, yet more often than not, it is a smokescreen that covers over the real barrier. In fact, what most often keeps you from being exceptional is not a lack of time, but the way you allocate the time that you have. I know that sounds like semantics, but it’s an important distinction. Brian Moran, Unquote.

And so the final discipline I want to talk about is –

Discipline 5 – Time Use

I honestly feel like I could just do an entire episode on this one topic. If you are endlessly watching TV, or YouTube is my addiction, forever faffing about on social media, clicking links to the next tiktok or the next video of a boxer dog doing something awesome cough cough or if you are gaming into the wee small hours every night, let’s face it, you are never going to reach those bigger goals that you keep talking about. And you know this! I don’t need to say it. Everyone needs to relax and chill out and have downtime, but how much of that leisure time you are taking is just laziness? Seriously now. How much? In 2011, the average American spent 2.8 hours a day watching TV. That’s 12 percent of our lives and I dread to think how much social media accounts for now.

“To become fit requires discomfort, to earn a significant income requires discomfort, to become great at anything, requires you to pay the price. To accomplish what you desire will take sacrifice. The number-one thing that you will have to sacrifice to be great, to achieve what you are capable of, and to execute your plans, is your comfort.” Brian P Moran, Unquote

Effective time use can be the difference between mediocre and great performance. The problem is that the world is rife with potential distractions and interruptions that arise non-stop throughout the day. A 2005 time-use study published by Basex, a business research firm, concluded that 28 percent of the average professional’s time in a day was spent on interruptions and associated recovery time! That’s about 11 distracted hours in a 40-hour week!

“Spending leisure time and doing comfortable tasks is undoubtedly healthy in moderation, but when we consistently choose comfortable activity, we are dooming ourselves to lives lived far short of our capabilities.” Brian P Moran, Unquote

To be your best, you must intentionally align your time and activities with your strengths and your unique capabilities. When you do, you will also experience a new and ever-increasing level of performance and satisfaction. To achieve this level of performance will require that you carve out time for the strategic—those actions that are important, but not necessarily urgent. Strategic activities don’t typically have an immediate payback, yet they create substantial returns in the future. To stay focused on your strengths, you will need to manage your interruptions and keep the low payoff activities to a minimum.

The reality is that if you are not purposeful about how you spend your time, then you leave your results to chance. While it’s true that we control our actions and not our outcomes, our results are created by our actions. It stands to reason that the actions that we choose to take throughout our day ultimately determine our destiny.

Be intentional about what you say yes and no to. Be intentional about carving out time to do the things that matter most, knowing probably that you wont get it all done. Then let the rest of your day fill in around that.

Effective time use is the final one of the five disciplines of the 12 Week Year. In combination with the other four—vision, planning, process control, and scorekeeping—it is an essential part of the proven 12 Week Year execution system.

BTW I’ve referred before to the Eisenhower Matrix. That splits days into urgent, non-urgent, Important and unimportant. The important non urgent stuff is the most valuable time you have as that’s the time you should spend on your own projects and goals. With that in mind you must learn to run your day and not let it run you.

I’m going to end today by talking about Accountability and the Victim mindset. I did a whole episode on victim mentality last season in fact as I believe we have a pandemic of it right now, but here’s what Brian Moran has to say about it.

We have all heard stories of people who refuse to take responsibility for their actions and blame others for their failures. It’s their parents’ fault, their boss’s fault, the fault of the conservatives or liberals—the system is out to get them. Someone or something else is always the cause of their failure.

Our culture supports this victim mentality more and more. In fact, our legal system even promotes it. We now reward people for not taking responsibility for their choices and finding someone or something other than themselves to blame.

In spite of the perceived benefits, people with a victim mind-set pay a terrific price. A victim allows his success to be limited by external circumstances, people, or events. As long as we continue to be victims of our circumstances, we will experience life as a struggle and others as a threat.

Accountability, on the other hand, allows you to gain control of your life, shape your destiny, and fulfil your potential. In its purest form, accountability is simply taking ownership of one’s actions and results. The fact of the matter is that successful people are accountable. Accountability is not about blaming yourself or punishing others. It is simply a stance in life in which people acknowledge their role in outcomes. Accountability is not concerned with fault, but rather what it takes to create better results.

He warns that “Accountability is a massive thinking shift. Our society views accountability as consequences, but accountability is NOT consequences; it’s ownership. It is the realization that even though you don’t control the circumstances, you do control how you respond. It is the understanding that the quality of your choices determines the quality of your life. It is the recognition that in any situation you always, always, always have choice. The choices you have in a given situation may not be very attractive, and we won’t all have equal choices, but you still have them, and that is an important and empowering distinction.”

Summing up

So let me recap on where we are with this. The 12-week year is a guide to shortening your execution cycle down from one year to 12 weeks. Changing annualized thinking on your goals in to periodic thinking. Shortening the cycle brings the goals closer and helps create a sense of urgency which can be activated again and again, meaning you can consistently get more done – and I use that word deliberately. Consistency is key to making this system work. You can fit four 12-week years into a standard year with enough room to make every 13th week a time for the assessment of what has come before and preparation time for what you are about to begin. They don’t all have to be business goals set out here either btw I have a fitness and weight loss goal coming up and many others have family goals, time spent with children etc. Your goals are your goals, so don’t set goals that are set out for other people unless it’s part of a business strategy and you are being paid for it.

The three principles of the 12-week year are: Accountability, Commitment & Greatness in the Moment.

The Five disciplines are:

1. Create a Compelling or an Aspirational Vision

2. Create a granular, tactical time bound plan.

3. Process Control

4. Keeping Score

5. Time Use

This is possibly the first and best book that I would recommend to anyone right now who actually wants to achieve their goals quickly and even greater things in the longer term. The execution of this system doesn’t have to be perfect either it just has to be consistent.

If you are learning something new and can give up the notion of perfectionism and recognise that you need to work towards being good at something moment by moment, your confidence will build from the competence you gain. I mention this as 12 week years are particularly good for skill building goals.

Stay on target with this system and try not to bail out. If you start to struggle or stumble then go back, pick just one goal, and focus down on 3 daily actions that will help you to achieve it until you get back on top. Remember too that sometimes you will just have bad weeks. Find accountability partners if you can and take on a 12-week year with them. Let me just clarify that your partners 12-week years should not be bound to your own, unless you are working in the same organisation of course. You must maintain control of your own and let them keep control of theirs. Remember that they don’t need to be similar goals, they can be entirely diverse, but you can still keep each other accountable.

Call to Action

Your call to action is to start planning your own 12-week year. I’m launching one myself with at least one other peer on the second week of the new year and I’ll use the first week to plan it. If it’s something that interests you then grab yourself a copy. It’s available on Amazon right now and you can find out more about it by going to if it floats your boat.

Next time:

This has been a long episode but it’s just a drop in the ocean to what the book offers in detail. I hope you have found it to be interesting listening. At this time, I can’t say when the next shows will be released built I will, especially if there is some interest shown on social media from those that listen, endeavour to produce more when I can. If there isn’t much interest, I’ll wrap up the series at some point in the future when I get to episode 100.

I am taking this next 12-week year to build skills in new areas as I need to wrestle control of my finances from being bound to an industry hobbled by the covid protocols that are strangling it to some other income stream that I can take action to control. At the moment it’s entirely bound to production based covid protocols and it’s utterly uncontrollable.

As part of my next 12 week year I’m leaving social media in order to reduce the distractions I have in my life, but I appeal to you now to leave reviews and share recommendations of the show to other people. If I can focus your efforts specifically onto the Facebook page, I think that would be a terrific thing. Its @filmproproductivity.

If you can please, please, please leave a review there and like and share the page or the link to this episode you will find there it would be greatly appreciated. Also please check your subscriptions as I am pretty sure now that an awful lot of subscribers were lost when I changed media hosts.

That’ll do for now. Have a fantastic year ahead and may the 12-week Year serve you well.

I think it best to let Brian P. Moran’s words mark the end of this episode. He says:

“greatness is not achieved when the result is reached, but rather long before that, when an individual chooses to do the things that he knows he needs to do.”

Now take control of your own destiny, keep on shootin’ and join me next time on FILM PRO PRODUCTIVITY AND SUCCESS.

• The music you can hear right now is Adventures by A Himitsu

• You can view the show notes for this episode on the official website

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The 12 Week Year

The Eisenhower Matrix


A Himitsu Music: Adventures by A Himitsu


— Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox

Music provided by Audio Library –––

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