Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice. Anton Chekhov
In last weeks show I revisited our old friend Abo Demi Demi and focused down on 3 more of his motivational messages. If you missed it please go back and have a listen/ He’s a great character and he has some very wise words for you.
Today though I’m going to give you 5 reasons why practice makes perfect. We all know that but do we actually take it seriously, buckle down and action it? I’m not sure we do so this is a bit of a boot up the backside to any of you who are listening, who know you should be practicing and who never get around to actually doing it.
It doesn’t matter if it is a sport or a task at your job. Practice builds your ability to perform that action quicker, faster, and more accurately.
The fact is that time you invest now, will pay off later, so don’t muck about.
The 1st point I want to make is that Practice is how you learn New Skills – Yes, you can read a book, take a class, or watch a video, but it is the actual doing that teaches you how to perform the new skill. It is the practice that builds your competence.
Practice is the best of all instructors. Publilius Syrus
My second point here is that Practice Improves Performance – Practice isn’t just for athletes, it’s for anyone who wants to hone a particular skill. Even the best have to practice, and they do it regularly. This applies from sports, to work, and even life skills. Repetition leads to improved proficiency and skill levels.
It's not about the number of hours you practice, it's about the number of hours your mind is present during the practice Kobe Bryant
My 3rd point here is that Practice Creates Better Ways to Do Things – Repetition not only improves performance, but creates even better methods to do things. Even though practice is about doing something “the right way,” it is often through repetition that you discover new ways to perform it.
It's a funny thing, the more I practice the luckier I get. Arnold Palmer
My 4th point here is that Practice Builds Confidence – When you believe you can do something, your confidence increases. This results in improved productivity because you know you can perform a task that previously had been an obstacle.
When your confidence goes up, your competence goes up the same time. Zig Ziglar
And finally, point 5 - Practice Prevents Rework – Many say that they don’t have time to practice, yet practice pays for itself through increased speed of productivity and less rework. When you practice, you are less likely to have to re-do work due to mistakes or sub-standard results.
Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. Oscar Wilde
Michael Gelb says that the key to practice is practice and that’s always stuck with me. It’s simple but it gets right to the point. You’ll never get any better at something and improve your skills, you’ll never learn new skills, you’ll never find new ways to do things, gain confidence and avoid mistakes if you don’t practice. The key t practice is practice. So get it done.
Your call to action today is to think of something you have been struggling with and consider if a commitment to practice will improve your relationship with it. If you think it will, then, start plotting out your tome and get practicing.
Next time I may be talking about a strategy for beating procrastination that I have been using but I’m not 100% sure tbh. Tune in and find out. And please don’t forget to subscribe and review the show if you think what you are hearing here is worthwhile.
In the meantime I’ll end with tis quote from Yogi Berra who said In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is. – and if that one has twisted your brain I’ll offer this instead from Jaggi Vasudev If you want to be successful, don't seek success - seek competence, empowerment; do nothing short of the best that you can do.
This episode is sponsored by Kal Sabir, actor, writer, and producer at Restless Chimp Films
Kal Sabir's website:
Kal on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook:
Restless Chimp Films website:
Restless Chimp Films on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook:
'Inner Devils' (in post-production), a horror short by Black Dust Films in association with Restless Chimp Films:
'A Coincidental Engagement', a supernatural short written by Kal Sabir, in pre-production with Restless Chimp Films:
Season 8 Executive Producer: David Richard Thompson
Instagram: @daudspeaks
-IPF- Support Parkour Teachers Teaching Globally… a fundraiser (Including 12 video clips of some of our Peace Through Parkour Ambassador teachers and others)
A Himitsu Music: Adventures by A Himitsu
— Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library –––
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